
Church of the Universal Father


Our Vision

Church of the Universal Father’s vision is to be the bridge into the 21st century of the religion of Jesus of Nazareth who lived and taught on this earth 2,000 years ago. Jesus’ simple message of "Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind", and to love your neighbor as yourself is the basic tenet of this church. Church of the Universal Father

We further refine this message into our motto of Live, Learn, Love.

Our Distinction
We are an interfaith church and we recognize all righteous paths taken while believing in a Loving God will earn the believer the entrance into the eternal journey of becoming one with the Father. Faith and belief in a Loving Father, who is Father to all, is all that is required for entrance into our Father’s Heaven. We believe that all people of all faiths are connected to our Loving God, and that means we are all brothers and sisters. We seek to bring this world to a simple belief in the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.

The fellowship is a web of believing communities that has unity of purpose and unity of spirit in seeking to serve their fellow human in living the life the Universal Father wants for all of us.

Individual Responsibility
As a group of believers we seek to live a life of progressive growth in all three areas of human existence: body, mind and soul. Growth in the body means living a life where your earthly temple (the body) to our Loving God is maintained in a manner that keeps us healthy and happy, and ready to serve our brothers in sisters in Our Father’s perfect will.


Holy Spirit


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