
Church of the Universal Father


Our Statement of Faith

Our goal is spiritual unity not uniformity. Eph. 4… states that there is one Lord, one faith…, and one God and Father of us all. Our Father recognizes all righteous paths and attempts at getting to know Him as a Loving Father, and therefore, the unity we seek is the belief in a Loving Father of all His children. Accordingly, if God is Father to all, then we share the bond of brotherhood and sisterhood amongst all people of the world.

The path you take is your own, and will be supported and encouraged by our Family of believers as long as spiritual fruit is shown. See Romans 14:1, 4, 12, 22.

In all things, we strive to show love. To love is to be perfect like our Heavenly Father who is love (see 1 John 4:8). While not easy in many circumstances, when an answer to one of life’s problems involves love, you can rest assured that treasures await you in Heaven.

The Essential Beliefs that We Hold as Truth

God is the First Source and the Center of the entire universe. Jesus called him our Father and even called Him Daddy. (Rom. 8:15, Gal. 4:6). We know that God is Love. He loves all His children in creation and His desire is for fellowship. Since Jesus ascended to his “kingdom” a fragment of the Father has been bestowed upon each of His children on earth (Luke 17:21). This fragment will fuse with our soul in Heaven and we will return to the Father perfected after many eons of service in the Father’s Universe.

Jesus of Nazareth was a descending Son of God. Jesus was born to Jewish parents under Roman rule in ancient Israel over 2,000 years ago. He lived the perfect human life that was completely in tune with the will of our Universal Father. He started a religious movement. The tenets of which we hope to carry forth. His life was tragically ended when the religious authorities in Jerusalem conspired to have Jesus executed by the Roman state. On the third day after his execution Jesus was resurrected and taught his apostles for another 40 days about the kingdom of God. After the 40 days Jesus rose to Heaven to continue his duties as a Ruler of His Universe. Following the ascension of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth was bestowed on this world.


Holy Spirit


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