
Church of the Universal Father


The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth in this World.

The bible contains the threads of truth about the general history of mankind. However, we believe that the spiritual truths contained in the bible are what is important. Some important concepts we can take from the bible are to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself; God is Love; Jesus is our friend and brother, and that our Father in Heaven is in control, and will bring you to Himself in due time.

Humans have a fragment of the eternal Father in them to guide them and be with them through all trials and tribulations. We are imperfect beings who have a piece of perfection within us. Eventually, we will fuse with this Perfection and be reconciled with our Father in Heaven. Until then, it is up to us as individuals to Live, Learn and Love, and have the world be a better place for all of God’s children.

Salvation is open to all who accept this free gift of God. Our Father in Heaven loves all of his children and is no respecter of persons. Therefore, He offers the gift of salvation to all people and we can exercise our free will to either accept this gift or reject this gift and either live our mortal existence to the end, or end our spiritual existence before it gets started. Nothing but an absolute rejection of God can prevent a human on this world from experiencing eternal life. The salvation decision does not need to be made on this earth. Every human will have the ability to defer this decision until judgment. However, living a faithless life as a human being cannot possibly prepare one for the eternal adventure that our loving Father offers to all of His children. Therefore, we recommend advance preparation with spiritual education.

Eternal security is guaranteed to all individuals who have the mind and soul to move on from this world. God wants you to choose Him and become one with Him, following your eternal adventure of becoming perfect. You have the choice to continue or not continue. God has given everyone Free will, and He will never interfere in your choices. However, rest assured that God loves you as much as He loves any of His children, and you can come to Him just as you are. Never let your feelings of being inadequate prevent you from the Love of your Father. Angels rejoice when a sinner changes their ways.

Eternity is a journey and not a destination. Our ultimate goal of this journey is perfection and becoming one with God. It won’t be an easy journey, but the rewards are immeasurable and unspeakable. There is no physical Hell, and we believe this earth will be the worst “hell” any human will endure.

Baptism in the traditional church is an outward expression of an internal faith in Jesus Christ. Many different baptism practices have emerged through the history of the Christian church, and we give due honor and respect to all forms of Christian baptism.

Communion is the only established sacrament that was instituted by Jesus. The precise form of communion was not established by Jesus, and communion has taken different forms in different sects of Christendom. We believe that communion is a personal and spiritual exercise that does not require any pomp and circumstance, and is available to anyone who seeks to commune with the Father. We do hold to certain precepts regarding communion such as having the right attitude (1 Cor. 11:27).


Holy Spirit

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